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Justice Department Launches Task Force to Combat Threats Against Election Workers

The Department of Justice has launched a law enforcement task force to address the rise in threats against election workers, administrators, officials, and others associated with the electoral process.

Background image of flags with the FBI Seal in the bottom right corner: Text: A threat to an election worker or volunteer is a threat to democracy. Visit to report threats to election workers.

“To protect the electoral process for all voters, we must identify threats against those responsible for administering elections, whether federal, state, or local,” said Deputy Attorney General Lisa O. Monaco. “A threat to any election official, worker, or volunteer is a threat to democracy. We will promptly and vigorously prosecute offenders to protect the rights of American voters, to punish those who engage in this criminal behavior, and to send the unmistakable message that such conduct will not be tolerated.”

“The FBI will not tolerate threats against any federal, state or local election worker participating in the common goals of safeguarding our electoral process and the rights of voters,” said FBI Deputy Director Paul Abbate. “From election administrators to volunteers to vendors and contractors, threats against any one individual is a threat against us all.  The FBI’s mission is to protect the American people and uphold our Constitution, and protecting our democratic process is paramount. We take this responsibility seriously and will investigate any and all federal violations to the fullest.” 

The task force is leading the Justice Department’s efforts to address threats of violence against election workers, and to ensure that all election workers—whether they be elected, appointed, or those who volunteer—be permitted to do their jobs free from threats and intimidation. The task force will receive and assess allegations and reports of threats against election workers and will partner with and support U.S. Attorneys’ Offices and FBI field offices throughout the country to investigate and prosecute these offenses where appropriate.

Organized and led by Deputy Attorney General Monaco, the task force includes several entities within the Department of Justice, including the Criminal, Civil Rights, and National Security Divisions, and the FBI, as well as key interagency partners, such as the Department of Homeland Security.

The Department of Justice needs the public’s assistance in remaining vigilant and reporting suspected threats or acts of violence against election workers. To report suspected threats or violent acts, contact the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI (225-5324). You also may file an online complaint at: Complaints submitted will be reviewed by the task force and referred for investigation or response accordingly. If someone is in imminent danger or risk of harm, contact 911 or your local police immediately.

For more information regarding the Department’s efforts to combat threats against election workers, read the Deputy Attorney General’s memo.

Updated September 17, 2021

Voting and Elections